At the Oslo School of Architecture and Design we are starting an executive Master program in Systems Oriented Design.
By pursuing a master’s degree in systems-oriented design (SOD), you will enhance your knowledge about this inter-discipline, learn about the latest research in the field and become part of a unique, interdisciplinary academic community. This experience-based master’s degree is part of AHO’s further education program and provides insight into solving complex problems by combining systemic thinking with design thinking in an innovative form of design.
Some facts in short:
Master degree 90 ETCS
Part time – three years
Module-based: four modules per year
Modules consist of a seminar, homework and examination.
Mixed video meeting and physical attendance in Oslo, Norway.
Pre-requirements: Bachelor in design or equivalent plus other experience
Total Fee 200 000 NOK ~ 19’500EUR billed over three years.
Application deadline 16 May 2021
Read more about this here:
Read more about Systems Oriented Design here:
The Oslo School of Architecture and Design: