Speeches and invited (keynote/podium/panel) talks
Luthe, T. 2024. “North Stars of Systemic Design“. North Stars panel presentation and discussion. Relating Systems Thinking and Design RSD13, online and Oslo. Systemic Design Association SDA.
Luthe, T. 2024. “Living Systems Labs and Regenerative Design“. Relating Systems Thinking and Design RSD13, online and Oslo. Systemic Design Association SDA.
Luthe, T. 2024. (invited) “From Systems Engineering to Systems Sensing: How to (non)engineer Living Systems?” Annual Swiss Systems Engineering Day “Building Bridges” by Swiss Society of Systems Engineering (SSSE) Zurich.
Luthe, T. 2024. (invited) “Zirkuläres Design: fünf Arten von Zirkularität in regenerativen Systemen». Wissenschaftscafé Graubünden zu Kreislaufwirtschaft – wiederverwenden, reparieren, teilen. Chur, CH.
Luthe, T. 2024. (invited) “Developing Adaptive and Innovative Capacities in and around Food Systems.” Agro Food Innovation Forum, Innospace Bern.
Luthe, T. 2023. (invited) Circular design and regenerative architecture at The MonViso Institute. Congress on New environmental concepts for Alpine architecture today. Organized by Fondazione Courmayeur Mont Blanc | Istituto di Architettura Montana I Politecnico di Torino I DAD PoliTo – Dip. Architecture and Design I Order of Architects PPC Aosta Valley | Bologna University Press.
Luthe, T. with R. Wyss. 2023. (invited) Resilienz: Wege zu Sicherheit und Zukunftsfähigkeit im Berggebiet. Kongress «Ruhe bewahren und weitermachen» – Der Krisenmodus als Dauerzustand. Politforum Thun, March 2023.
Luthe, T. 2022. (invited) Nachhaltigkeit ist nicht genug. Der Code für Erfolg steckt in regenerativen Kulturen. Tourismus Fast Forward Symposium, Mayrhofen, Austria.
Luthe, T. 2022. (invited) Designing complex transformation processes in mountain areas. Session “Changing values and mountain narratives”. Global Mountain Sustainability Forum. EURAC, Bozen.
Luthe, T. 2022. (invited) From sustainability to regeneration in tourism. Podium speaker at Tourismus Fast Forward Symposium, Mayrhofen, Austria.
Luthe, T. 2021. (invited) Building a ski-positive, climate-positive future. What can we do as ski-tourers? Eagle Ski Club of Great Britain. Video recording of the talk.
Luthe T., Schütz M., and J. Swat. 2021. Systemic Cycles – A novel, bio-regional, systemic service-experience design product prototype. RSD10 conference, Delft (Relating Systems Thinking and Design).
Luthe T. 2021. Systemic Design for Circularity in the Norwegian Arctic. Polar Social Sciences & Humanities: Spotlight on Swiss Research #3. Swiss Polar Institute.
Luthe, T. und R. Wyss. (invited) 2020. Small is beautiful: Resilienz alpiner Gemeinden/Gemeinschaften durch innovative Governance. Meet & Greet der Bergsteigerdörfer aus den Alpenvereinen.
Luthe, T. 2019. (invited) Systemic Regenerative Design of Building Systems: Scaling Circularity beyond Materials. MBS Spotlight Lunch Lecture, Master in Integrated Building Systems, ETH Zurich.
Luthe, T. 2019. (invited) Offline sein, um Online sein zu können. (Getting Offline to be able to get Online). Werkstätte Systemische Erlebnispädagogik. planoalto. Rigi mountain, Switzerland.
Luthe, T. 2019. (invited) Mountains as Complex Systems: Pathways towards Resilience. Mountain Business Summit,Tarbes, French Pyrenees.
Luthe, T. 2019. Assessing Community Innovativeness by Network Metrics, Contextual Resilience Adaptive Waves Phases and«Reality» in Qualitative Data. European Social Network conference EUSN 2019, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Luthe, T. 2018. (invited) (Climate) Change is Chance – Designing a resilient society. Austrian Climate Days, Salzburg.
Luthe, T. 2018. (invited) From Vision to Transformation: Resilience of Snow Sports. UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and Snow Culture, Yamagata, Japan.
Luthe, T. 2018. (invited) Podium speaker as CEO of Grown Skis, Winner ISPO Eco Achievement Award 2018. Ecodesign Conference, Salzburg.
Luthe, T. 2018. (invited) The MonViso Institute. A real-world mountain laboratoryfor research, education and entrepreneurship in sustainability transitions and systemic design. UNWTO 10th World Congress one Snow and Mountain Tourism, Andorra. Listen to the speech on YouTube (23min).
Luthe, T. 2018. Systemic Design Labs (SDL): Incubating systemic design skills through experiential didactics and nature-based creativity. Session “Models and processes of systemic design” at RSD7 (Research on Systemic Design), Politecnico Torino, Italy.
Luthe, T. 2017. (invited) More connected, more resilient: Tourism and a Circular Economy. CIPRA Workshop on the EUSALP strategy for a Green Economy. Edolo, Italy.
Luthe, T. 2017. (invited) Cooperation, circular economy and tourism: Building resilience of Arctic and Alpine communities. Implications for development through tourism. Conference ”Globalizing Polar Issues – High altitudes meet high latitudes”, Swiss Polar Institute, Crans-Montana, Switzerland.
Luthe. T. 2017. Success in Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research. International Transdisciplinary Conference ITD 2017, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany.
Luthe, T. 2017. Design solutions for a new model of alpine urbanism in reviving mountain regions. Track “Social-ecological transformations for sustainability”, session “Transformative agency”. Resilience 2017, Stockholm.
Luthe, T. 2017. Transdisciplinary mixed-methods application to incubate a circular economy transformation. Track “Knowledge co-production/Transdisciplinary methods”, session “Approaches and methods for understanding social-ecological system dynamics. Resilience 2017, Stockholm.
Luthe, T. 2016. (invited) Resilience of social-ecological systems to climate change in a network governance context. Public lecture at the University of Innsbruck.
Luthe, T. 2016. Netzwerkmodelle der Resilienz und Kreislaufwirtschaft. Green Summit, University of Liechtenstein.
Luthe, T. 2015. (invited) Schnee von gestern. Resilienz von Wintersportzentren im Klimawandel (La neve di ieri. La resilienza dei centri sportivi invernali nei cambiamenti climatici). October 2015. Toblacher Gespräche. Dolomites, South Tirol, Italy.
Luthe, T. 2015. (invited) Skiing – quo vadis? Key elements for designing the future of snow sports. Interski congress, Ushuaia, Argentina.
Luthe, T. 2015. (invited) Transformation pathways towards resilience and sustainable development of tourism. April 2015. International Students Conference on Sustainability. Breda, Netherlands.
Luthe, T. 2015.(invited) Change, Crisis, Opportunity; Mental Models of Resilience – Shaping Transformations. Speech at the event “Business&Freeriding”, Obergurgl, Austria.
Luthe, T. 2015. (invited) Whole Systems Design for Eco-Social Transformation. Public lecture at the Free University of Bozen, Italy.
Luthe, T. 2015. (invited) Sustainability, tourism systems and the resilience concept. Lecture at the Sustainable Tourism Colloquium, University of Lugano, Switzerland.
Luthe, T. 2015. (invited) The MonViso Institute – a projected design for social-ecological transformation of Serre Lamboi, an abandoned Baita in the community of Ostana. UNESCO commission, Ostana, Oct. 2015.
Luthe, T. 2015. Assessing and managing resilience of Arctic communities to climate change. Climate change days, Session „Climate and Society“, Ilulissat, Greenland.
Luthe, T. 2015. Life Cycle Assessment as a basis for decision making for more responsible products. ISPO BRAND NEW stage, ISPO 2015, Munich.
Luthe. T. 2015. Measuring, Labeling and Communicating Sustainability in Alpine Tourism. Comparison and classification of existing labels – towards a common standard. Oral presentation at the 1st Symposium on Measuring, Communicating and Labeling Sustainability in Alpine Tourism. Chur, Switzerland.
Luthe, T. 2014. Resilience in a tourism destination governance context: a combined quantitative-qualitative network analysis. Oral presentation at the 5th Advanced Social Network Analysis seminar, EAWAG, ETHZ, Zurich.
Luthe. T. 2013. (invited) Expert consultation on a roundtable for The Great Energy Challenge: The role of Science and Arctic Change. Organized by National Geographic and Shell. The Royal Society, London, UK.
Luthe. T. 2013. (invited) Podiums discussion: Ideas and concepts for sustainable mountain tourism of the future: new positioning with climate friendly offers. International Mountain Day, Scuol, Switzerland.
Luthe. T. 2013. (invited) Comparaison et analyse des labels de durabilité pour la montagne, en europe et dans le monde. Table Ronde: Les stations de montagne en transition: Labels touristiques et durabilité. Mountain Riders, Chambery, France.
Luthe. T. 2013. (invited) Measuring sustainability: Tools and measures to quantify and communicate sustainability in alpine tourism. Symposium Sustainable ski destination. Bozen, Italy.
Luthe. T. 2013. Tourism as a Human-Environment-System: Towards a Systemic Agenda for Research on Sustainability. CH-A Mountain Days, Mitttersil, Austria.
Luthe, T. 2013. (invited) Research on Resilience of Tourism as a social-ecological-economic system (SEES). Swiss Tourism and Hospitality Research Meeting STHRM, University of Berne, Switzerland.
Luthe. T. 2013. ArcAlpNet – Resilience of vulnerable communities to environmental change: an Arctic-Alpine comparison of social-ecological network governance. Arctic Resilience Report (ARR) steering group meeting, Stockholm Resilience Center and Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
Luthe, T. 2012. Enhancing effectiveness and efficiency of sustainability learning through embedded case studies and outdoor training. Sustainability Summit 2012, Leuphana University Lüneburg.
Luthe, T. 2012. Barriers and success factors for measuring sustainability in communities. Congress Challenges and Contributions for a Green Economy of the International Society of Ecological Economics, ISEE 2012, Rio de Janeiro.
Luthe, T. 2010. (invited) Nachhaltigkeit des alpinen Tourismus. Öffentlicher Vortrag in der Projektplattform des Instituts für Entwerfen, Stadt und Landschaft, Technische Universität München.
Luthe, T. 2010. Scenario-building in ecological-social-economic networks in a changing climate in Spitsbergen. Climate Change and Impact Assessment IAIA Special Symposium, Alborg, Danmark.
Luthe, T. 2010. Overcoming social barriers in managing vulnerability of alpine tourism to environmental change. Social Dimensions of environmental change and governance. 2010 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin.
Luthe, T. 2010. Developing and testing a sustainable growth model for adaptation and mitigation to climate change in the Arctic of Svalbard: balancing science, communication and practice. Td-conference „Implementation in Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research, Practice and Teaching.“ Network for Transdisciplinary Research, Swiss Academy of Arts and Science. University of Geneva.
Luthe, T. 2010. Strengthening social networks for climate change vulnerability management. 7th Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis, ASNA 2010, ETH Zurich & University of Zurich.
Luthe, T. 2010. Erfolgsfaktor Nachhaltigkeit für den alpinen Tourismus im globalen Wandel. ICAS Nachwuchsforschertagung Phil.Alp. ICAS Interacademic Commission for Alpine Studies of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Science. Mendrisio, Switzerland.
Luthe, T. 2009. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in tourism as market driven entrepreneurial instruments for environmental governance to decrease vulnerability to Global Change – and the challenge ahead. Conference: Facing Climate Change and the Global Economic Crisis. Challenges for the Future of Tourism. EURAC Academy Bozen, Italy.
Luthe, T. 2009. “Behavioural change to sustainable consumption as an economic driving force for enhancing the transition to sustainable business models in ski tourism”. 8th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics TRANSFORMATION, INNOVATION AND ADAPTATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY – INTEGRATING NATURAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: Ljubljana, Croatia.
Luthe, T. 2009. The Fourth International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas: Management for Protection and Development (MMV4): “New vulnerability factors of ski tourism and chances for sustainable adaptation.” Tuscany, Italy.
Luthe, T. 2009. International Congress “erleben und lernen: Menschen stärken für Verantwortung“, Augsburg „Sustainability Leadership Training“.
Luthe, T. 2009. European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly 2008, Vienna. Session on Climate: Past, Present, Future: Climate change impacts on tourism demand in ski destinations.
Symposium organization/Session chair/Workshop lead/Podium discussions convening
Luthe T. and M. Schütz. 2022. Systemic Cycles – experiencing flows of systems thinking. Workshop at RSDx conference, prior to RSD11 Brighton (Relating Systems Thinking and Design).
Luthe T. and H. Fitzpatrick. 2022. Designing a bioregional regenerative economy. How could that work, realistically? Workshop at RSDx conference, prior to RSD11 Brighton (Relating Systems Thinking and Design).
Luthe T., Fitzpatrick H., Swat J., Mühlethaler T., and A. Crawford. 2021. Enriching Synergies in Systemic Design: Hybridizing science, design and transformative action. Dialogue session at RSD10 conference, Delft (Relating Systems Thinking and Design).
Luthe T., Sevaldson B., Barbero S., van der Bijl-Brouwer M., and J. Swat. 2020. Virtual-Real MOOCS: Designing Resilient Regenerative Systems. Systemic Design Theory Workshop at RSD9 conference, India (Relating Systems Thinking and Design).
Luthe T., Sevaldson B., Lamar A., Hegli T., Storen Berg M., and P. Hemmersam. 2020. Circularity as unifying concept in systemic design for sustainability?. Circular Economy Theory Workshop at RSD9 conference, India (Relating Systems Thinking and Design).
Luthe T., Fitzpatrick H. and J. Swat. 2020. Designing Transitions in Real-World Laboratories: Tools for Change. Dialogue session in Fishbowl format. 11th International Sustainability Transition conference. Theme “Governance in an Era of Change – Making Sustainability Transitions Happen”.
Luthe, T. 2020. Moderating and chairing an online (Zoom) lecture series on “Circularity” in Design, spanning across the design disciplines, architecture, urbanism, and landscape planning. The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norway.
Luthe, T. 2020. Invited discussant to a virtual roundtable on the topic “hemp and the transition to a bio-economy”. Hanf Magazin.
Luthe, T., Swat, J., Sevaldson, B. and P. P. Peruccio. 2019. Values, direction and currencies in Systemic Design methodology. A social “fishbowl” open think tank session at RSD8, Relating Systems Thinking with Design, Chicago.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2019. Open Think Tank and following Synthesis Workshop “Towards a Mountain Resilience Report: Regenerating Mountain Systems by Systemic Innovation.” International Mountain Conference 2019 in Innsbruck.
Luthe, T. 2019. Sustainabilty in practice. Systems Innovation conference. London.
Luthe, T. 2018. Session chair “Industrial processes and agri-food systems” at RSD7 (Research on Systemic Design), Politecnico Torino, Italy.
Luthe, T. 2017. Symposium chair “Making change happen? Transformations in the Anthropocene”. Program on Ecosystem Change and Society PECS II conference, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Luthe, T. 2017. Organizer of the 3rd SMTA (Sustainable Mountain Tourism Alliance) Symposium, January 2017, Ostana, Italy, on tourism and the circular economy.
Luthe, T. 2016. Leading an interactive session on „The revival of resilient mountain communities: What constitutes a new model of “Alpine urbanism” or “live-work-play” in the Alps? The successful story of Ostana, Piedmont, Italy.“ AlpWeek, Octobber, Grassau, Germany.
Luthe, T. 2016. Measuring and Communicating Sustainability. Youth Encounter on Sustainability (YES) Summer School. Myclimate, Zurich. CH.
Luthe. T. 2016. Organizer of the 2nd SMTA (Sustainable Mountain Tourism Alliance) Symposium, January 2016, Chamonix, France.
Luthe, T. 2015. „Cross-scale connections and feedbacks in social-ecological systems“ at the PECS conference „Social-ecological dynamics in the Anthropocene“. Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Luthe, T. 2015. A narrative of two Alpine communities following different paths of transformations after similar system break downs. Tranformations 2015. People and the Planet in the Anthropocene. Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm, Sweden
Luthe, T. 2015. Organizer of the 1st SMTA Symposium, January 2015, Chur, CH (70+ participants, three days, international key note speakers, field visits).
Luthe T. 2014 Session on “Systems Thinking and Responsible Management Education”, 1st PRME (Principles of Responsible Management Education) Conference, University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur, 2014 (10 session participants with speed talks and workshops as part of a 100+ people conference).
Luthe. T. 2013. ArcAlpNet – Resilience of vulnerable communities to environmental change: an Arctic-Alpine comparison of social-ecological network governance. Program on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) workshop, Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm, Sweden.
Luthe, T. 2012. Resilience as requirement for sustainable development. International work shop March 2012 at Wildbad Kreuth. International Expert Group on Earth System Preservation (IESP).
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2012. The role of sustainability measurement and stakeholder involvement for strengthening entrepreneurial engagement. Workshop lead at the Regiosuisse science and regional development day 2012, Bern.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2012. The role of collaboration in entrepreneurial networks for fostering regional innovation. Workshop lead at the Regiosuisse science and regional development day 2012, Bern.
Luthe, T. 2011. Enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of sustainability learning. European Society of Ecological Economics Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.
Luthe, T. 2010. Minimizing the impact of ski tourism on alpine ecosystems. Verbier Green Pioneering Summit 2010 and International Mountain Day in association with UNEP. Verbier, Switzerland.
Shared Presentations and Speeches
Fitzpatrick H. and T. Luthe. 2021. Dialogue: Redefining System Boundaries. Using systemic design to navigate tensions between specificities and generalizations in case study research. RSD10 conference, Delft (Relating Systems Thinking and Design).
Carraro F., Barbero S. and T. Luthe. 2021. Mountain Water Management through Systemic Design: The Monviso Institute real-world laboratory. RSD10 conference, Delft (Relating Systems Thinking and Design).
Fitzpatrick H. and T. Luthe. 2020. Leveraging regenerative building design and identity formation to systemically guide mountain community transitions towards resiliency. Virtual speed talk format. 11th International Sustainability Transition conference. Theme “Governance in an Era of Change – Making Sustainability Transitions Happen”.
Blanco V., Luthe T. and A. Gret-Regamey. 2020. Transforming collaboration networks to support systemic innovation in mountain areas. Virtual speed talk format. 11th International Sustainability Transition conference. Theme “Governance in an Era of Change – Making Sustainability Transitions Happen”.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2015. Leverage hubs in a social-ecological network to address resilience of mountain regions. Sunbelt network analysis conference, Brighton UK.
Luthe, T. and M. von Kutzschenbach. 2015. Towards a ‚new’ mental model of sustainability. Conference Cultural Sustainability, Helsinki, Finland.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2014. Eine sozial-ökologische Netzwerkanalyse der Bedeutung von Ökosystemleistungen in der touristisch geprägten Schweizer Park Adula Region. Oral presentation in the track Ressourcenmanagement im Sporttourismus. Kongress Sport und Tourismus, DSHS Köln.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2014. Quantitative mapping of qualitative expert knowledge for identifying intervention hubs with systemic impact in socio-ecological networks. Oral presentation at Resilience 2014, Montpellier, France.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2014. Indirect Economic Mapping for assessing socio-economic networks of mountain tourism as a coupled social-ecological system. Oral presentation at the European Social Network Conference 2014, Barcelona.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2014. Quantitative mapping of qualitative expert knowledge for identifying intervention hubs with systemic impact in socio-ecological networks. Oral presentation at the European Social Network Conference 2014, Barcelona.
Luthe. T. and R. Wyss. 2014. Agent Based Mapping for assessing socio-economic networks of mountain tourism as a coupled HES. Oral presentation at the Global Land Project second open science meeting, Berlin. March 2014.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2013. ArcAlpNet – Resilience of vulnerable communities to environmental change: an Arctic- Alpine comparison of social-ecological network governance. Public scenario building workshop. University Centre of Svalbard (UNIS), Longyearbyen, Svalbard.
Luthe, T., Lawrence, R., Kelman, I., Evers, Y., Curran, M.M., S. Tornblad, Wyss, R. and E. L. Berlow. 2013. Identifying intervention hubs with systemic impact for resilience of Arctic systems: Resilience of the Longyearbyen community to climate change and implications for other Arctic societies. Arctic Science Summit, Krakow, Poland.
Wyss, R., Lawrence, R., Kelman, I., Evers, Y., Curran, M.M., S. Tornblad and T. Luthe. 2013. Differentiating network analysis by quantity and quality of ties. Implications for resilience assessment in an Arctic-Alpine comparative context. Applications of Social Network Analysis, ASNA 2013, Zurich.
Luthe, T., Lawrence, R., Kelman, I., Evers, Y., Curran, M.M., S. Tornblad and R. Wyss. 2013. Quantitative mapping of qualitative expert knowledge for identifying intervention hubs with systemic impact in socio-ecological networks. Applications of Social Network Analysis, ASNA 2013, Zurich.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2013. Exploring Agent Based Mapping (ABM) for constructing socio‐economic networks.. Applications of Social Network Analysis, ASNA 2013, Zurich.
Luthe, T., Kelman, I., Curran, M.M, Evers, Y., Tornblad, S.H., Wyss, R. and R. Lawrence. 2013. Resilience of the Longyearbyen community to climate change and implications for other Arctic societies. The Artic Hub – Regional and Global Perspectives. The Arctic Science Summit Week 2013, Krakow, Poland.
Luthe, T., Kelman, I., Curran, M.M, Evers, Y., Tornblad, S.H., Wyss, R., Lawrence, R. and E.L. Berlow. 2013. Identifying intervention hubs with systemic impacts for sustainable development of Arctic systems. The Artic Hub – Regional and Global Perspectives. The Arctic Science Summit Week 2013, Krakow, Poland.
Luthe, T. and L. Burget. 2012. Sustainability assessment in Alpine destinations and the example of the Green Snow Flake approach of the European Sustainable Mountain Tourism Alliance. Alps Week ‘Renewable Alps’, Valposchiavo, Switzerland.
Curran, M.M., Evers, Y., Tornblad, S.H., Luthe, T., Lawrence, R. and I. Kelman. 2012. Comparing full census SNA and snowball sampling methods for accuracy, completeness and efficiency to capture the same business actor network in the Arctic settlement of Longyearbyen on Svalbard, Norway. Applications of Social Network Analysis, ASNA 2012, Zurich.
Luthe, T., Lawrence, R., Kelman, I., Evers, Y., Curran, M.M. and S. Tornblad. 2012. Network governance and community resilience to climate change – comparing tourism business actor networks in the Arctic community of Longyearbyen on Svalbard with three communities in the Swiss Surselva-Gotthard region by SNA. Applications of Social Network Analysis, ASNA 2012, Zurich.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2012. Comparing quantity and quality of ties in SNA – a case study from Swiss Gotthard region. Applications of Social Network Analysis, ASNA 2012, Zurich.
Luthe, T., Schuckert, M. and R. Wyss. 2011. ClimAlpTour workshop on adaptation of regional tourism to climate change. Results of a social network analysis for collaboration and resilience governance. INTERREG IV b ClimAlpTour project. Surselva, Sedrun-Disentis-Andermatt. University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur.
Luthe, T., Schuckert, M. and R. Wyss. 2010. The current state of scientific knowledge on global environmental change and tourism. Expert hearing workshop on Climate Change and Tourism. INTERREG IV b ClimAlpTour project. Surselva, Sedrun-Disentis-Andermatt. University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur.