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Current working documents and white papers
Luthe T. and S. Orczykowska. 2023. High Po River Valley: A bioregional map on regeneration across governance scales. The MonViso Institute. Work in progress. Download.
Luthe T., Fitzpatrick H. and D. Wahl. 2023. Circular cross-scalar governance spiral. Designing for bio-regional regeneration. Poster of a white paper, work in progress. Download.
Articles sorted by year (posters are shown at the bottom of this list)
Luthe, T. 2024. Circularity. A framing reflection. Medium.
Luthe, T. 2024. Living Systems Labs. Experimenting with resilient regenerative futures by embodying outer and inner nature, enacting emergence, building meta-awareness, and evolving habits. Medium.
Fitzpatrick, H., Luthe, T., and Sevaldson, B. 2024. Methodological Pluralism in Practice: A systemic design approach for place-based sustainability transformations. Contexts—The Systemic Design Journal, 2.
Blanco, V., Luthe, T., Bruley, E. and A. Grêt-Regamey. 2023. Aligning social networks and co-designed visions to foster systemic innovation in the Alps. Reg Environ Change 23, 102 (2023).
Luthe T, Wahl D, Swat J, Grimm M, Fischer S, Fitzpatrick H and S Orczykowska. 2023. Certificate of Advanced Studies ETH in Regenerative Systems: Sustainability to Regeneration. DRRS educational program magazine. ETH Zurich, Systemic Design Labs. Version 01/23. View the magazine online.
Wyss R., Luthe T., Pedoth L., Schneiderbauer S., Adler C., Apple M., Acosta E. E., Fitzpatrick H., Haider J., Ikizer G., Imperiale A.J., Karanci N., Posch E., Saidmamatov O., T. Thaler. 2022. Mountain Resilience: A Systematic Literature Review and Paths to the Future. Mountain Research and Development, 42(2), A23-A36.
Salliou N., Bruley E., Luthe T., Blanco V., Lavorel S., A. Grêt-Regamey. 2021. Game of Cruxes: co-designing a game for scientists and stakeholders for identifying joint problems. Sustainability Science.
Luthe T. and R. Wyss. 2021. Zukunftsfähige Berggebiete. Resilienz von der Vision zur Transformation. Bergauf 02/21, pp 64-67. Österreichischer Alpenverein. Read online.
Saidmamatov O., Matyabukov U., Rudenko I., Viachaslau F., Day J. and T. Luthe. 2020. Employing ecotourism opportunities for sustainability in the Aral Sea Region: prospects and challenges. Sustainability 2020, 12(21), 9249; Special edition on sustainable rural development through entrepreneurship and innovation.
Fazey I., Schäpke N., (…) Luthe T. (…) et al. 2020. Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there. Energy Research & Social Science 70 (2020) 101724. A short summarizing movie has just been released at the Transformations 2021 conference.
Luthe T. and von Kutzschenbach M. 2020. Virtualisierung sozialer Outdoor-Erlebnisse: Chancen und Grenzen der Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in Zeiten von Covid-19 (Virtualizing social outdoor experiences: chances and risks in education on sustainability in times of Covid-19). e&l, erleben und lernen. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer handlungsorientiertes Lernen. Volume 3.2020.
Wyss R. and T. Luthe. 2020. From crisis to renewal: Adaptive waves as an approach to understand systemic resilience in mountain tourism destinations. In: Massart C. et al. (eds). 2020. Winter sports resorts’ strategies to adapt to climate change. Peter Lang, Bruxelles. E-ISBN 978-2-8076-1312-6.
Luthe, T. 2020. Designing for Circularity in a Real-world context: Understanding Cooperative Benefits to Foster Individual Action for a Regenerative Economy. Newsletter “Network City and Landscape“, ETH Zurich.
Luthe, T. 2020. Ski Systems Design – Building Fjell skis as part of a broader mountain tourism system. In: Systems Oriented Design. The designerly way to work with systems.
Swat, J., Luthe, T. and B. Sevaldson. 2019. When Is Systemic Design Regenerative? Values, direction and currencies in systemic design methodology. In: Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD8) 2019 Symposium. IIT Institute of Design, Chicago, October 13-15, 2019. Systemic Design Association. ISSN 2371-8404. Link to a movie summarizing the fishbowl method.
Luthe, T. 2019. Hemp as incubator of a circular economy. Hanf Magazin 06-2019.
Wissen Hayek, U., Spielhofer, R., Salak, B., Hunziker, M., Kienast, F., Thrash, T. Schinazi, V., Luthe, T., Steiger, U. and A. Grêt-Regamey. 2019. Energyscape. Recommendations for a Landscape Strategy for Renewable Energy Systems. Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE.
Luthe, T. 2018. Systemic Design Labs: Incubating systemic design skills by experiential didactics and nature-based creativity Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Proceedings of the ETH Learning and Teaching Fair 2018. ETH Zurich.
Luthe, T. 2018. Designing More Resilient Arctic Communities: Change Means Chance. The Circle 2/2018. WWF Arctic Program.
Luthe, T. 2017. Success in Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research. Sustainability 9(1), 71. DOI: 10.3390/su9010071.
Balvanera P., T. M. Daw, T. Gardner, B. Martín-Lopez, A. V. Nörstrom, C. I. Speranza, M. Spierenburg, E. M. Bennett, M. Farfan, M. Hamann, J. N. Kittinger, T. Luthe, M. Maass, G. Peterson, G. Pérez-Verdin. 2017. Key features for successful place-based sustainability research on social-ecological systems: The PECS perspective. Ecology and Society 22(1):14. DOI:10.5751/ES-08826-220114.
Luthe, T., Lumpe, T., Schwarz, J., Schuetz, M. and K. Shea. 2017. Teaching Systemic Design For Sustainability In Engineering By Building Eco-Skis. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 17) Vol 9: Design Education, Vancouver, Canada, 21-25.08.2017.ISBN: 978-1-904670-97-1, ISSN: 2220-4342.
Luthe, T. 2017. The Resilience of Snow Sports: From Vision to Transformation. Zur Resilienz des Schneesports: Von der Vision zur Transformation. FdSnow 51 2.2017. Fachzeitschrift des Skisports. Planegg, Germany. Deutscher Skiverband, Freunde des Skisports, Stiftung Sicherheit im Skisport (HrsG). ISSN 1864-5593.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2017. Eine sozial-ökologische Netzwerkanalyse zur Bedeutung von Ökosystemleistungen in der touristisch geprägten Schweizer Parc Adula-Gotthard Region. A social-ecological network analysis on the importance of ecosystem service sin the tourism dependent Swiss Parc Adula-Gotthard region. In: Roth/Schwark (Hrsg.) Wirtschaftsfaktor Sporttourismus. Band 19 der Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft e.V.. Eric Schmidt Verlag. ISSN 1612-8672. Download.
Luthe T. and M. von Kutzschenbach. 2016. Building common ground in mental models of sustainability. Sustainability: The Journal of Record 9(5):247-254. DOI 10.1089/
Kelman I., Luthe T., Wyss R., Tornblad S. H., Evers Y., Curran M. M., Williams R., E. L. Berlow. 2016. Social network analysis and qualitative interviews for assessing geographic characteristics of tourism business networks. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0156028. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0156028.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2016. Resilience to climate change in a cross-scale tourism governance context: a combined quantitative- qualitative network analysis. Ecology and Society 21(1):27. DOI: 10.5751/ES-08234-210127.
Luthe, T. Case study author, in: Huitric M., Peterson G. and J. C. Rocha: What factors build or erode resilience in the Arctic? CHAPTER 4. Arctic Council. 2016. Arctic Resilience Final Report. Carson, M. and Peterson, G. (eds). Stockholm Environment Institute and Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm. Read online.
Luthe, T. and I. Nikitin. 2016. Innovative Bildung für eine Nachhaltige Entwicklung. HTW Chur Wissenplatz 02/2016.
Luthe. T. and R. Wyss. 2015. The Capacity of Social-Ecological Systems for Planning Resilience: Introducing Adaptive Waves. Sustainability Science 10(4):673-685. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-015-0316-6.
Fischer J., Gardner TA, Bennett EM, Balvanera P, Biggs R, Carpenter S, Daw T, Folke C, Hill R, Hughes T, Luthe T, Maass M, Meacham M, Norstroem AE, Peterson G, Queiroz C, Seppelt R, Spierenburg M, Tenhun J. 2015. Advancing sustainability through mainstreaming a social-ecological systems perspective. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 14:144-149. Doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2015.06.002 .
Holtz G, Alkemade F, de Haan F, Koehler J, Trutnevyte E, Chappin E, Halbe J, Kwakkel J, Luthe T, Ruutu S, Papachristos G, Yucel G. 2015. Prospects of modelling societal transitions – Position paper of an emerging community. Environmental Innovations and Societal Transitions 17:41-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2015.05.006.
Wyss, R., Luthe, T. and B. Abegg. 2015. Building resilience to climate change: the role of cooperation in alpine tourism networks. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. 20(8):908-922. DOI:10.1080/13549839.2013.879289.
Luthe, T., and J. Silberberger. 2015. Assessing and communicating urban sustainability: comparing the Ecological Footprint and the CERCLE multi-criteria indicator set. (online access). In: Condie J. and Cooper A. M. (eds): Dialogues of sustainable urbanisation: Social science research and transitions to urban contexts. issc book of blogs.
Luthe, T. 2015. Nachhaltiges San Bernardino. HTW Chur Wissenplatz 01/2015.
Roth, R. and T. Luthe. 2015. Schnee von gestern? Wintersport und Klima im Wandel. Der Schwarzwald 1/2015.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2014. Assessing and Planning Resilience in Tourism. Tourism Management 44:161-163. DOI:10.1016/j.tourman.2014.03.011
Wyss, R., Abegg, B. and T. Luthe. 2014. Perceptions of climate change in a tourism governance context. Tourism Management Perspectives 11(C):69-76. DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2014.04.004
Voll, F. and T. Luthe. 2013. A systemic perspective on sustainable governance of protected areas. Eco.mont. Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management 6(1). ISSN 2073-1558 online version:
Luthe, T., Kaegi, T. and J. Reger. 2013. A Systems Approach to Sustainable Technical Product Design. Combining life cycle assessment and virtual development in the case of skis. Journal of Industrial Ecology 17(4), 605-617. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12000
Luthe, T. 2014. Energie ist im System des alpinen Tourismus zentral. HTW Chur Wissensplatz 01/2014.
Luthe, T. 2014. Creating a Vision for Sustainable Arctic Communities. Science communication blog on the National Geographic/Shell blog The Great Energy Challenge..
Luthe, T. 2013. Wandel bedeutet Chance – Pioniere gesucht im Buendner Tourismus. Buendner Woche vom 20.11.2013.
Luthe. T. and R. Wyss. 2013. Die Nutzung sozialer Netzwerkanalyse zur Steuerung der Resilienz touristisch gepraegter Raeume. Schweizer Jahrbuch Tourismus 2013. St. Galler Schriften fuer Tourismus und Verkehr. Band 5. Erich Schmidt Verlag. ISBN 9783503144235.
Luthe, T., Lawrence, R., Kelman, I., Evers, Y., Curran, M. M., Tornblad, S. H., Wyss, R. and E. L. Berlow. 2013. ArcAlpNet. Resilienz sozialer Netzwerke zu Klimwandel – Resilience of social networks to climate change. Ein arktisch-alpiner Vergleich der Gouvernanz touristisch geprŠgter Gemeinden. An arctic-alpine comparison of governance in tourism dependent communities. Report Nr. 0091213 of the ITF Forschungsberichte/ITF Working Papers, Chur. ISSN 2296-0465..
Luthe, T. and F. Voll. 2013. An outline of research for systemic governance of protected areas: building partnerships for sustainable management. Conference proceedings of the 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, Mittersill, Austria.
Siegrist, D., Clivaz, C., Doctor, M., Gessner, S., Ketterer, L., Luthe, T. , Matasci, C., Schuckert, M., & R. Wyss. 2013. Adaption des alpinen Tourismus an den Klimawandel: Ergebnisse der Alpine-Space Projekts ClimAlpTour in der Schweiz. In: Bieger, T., Beritelli, P. & Laesser, C. (Eds). Nachhaltigkeit im alpinen Tourismus. Schweizer Jahrbuch fŸr Tourismus 2012 (pp. 145 – 158). Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.
Luthe, T., Wyss, R. and M. Schuckert. 2012. Network governance and regional resilience to climate change: empirical evidence from mountain tourism communities. Regional Environmental Change. Volume 12, Issue 4 (2012), Page 839-854. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-012-0294-5
Luthe, T., Nabitz, S. und M. Tschapka. 2012. Gaestebefragung San Gottardo. Typisierung von Besuchern der Region San Gottardo mit Hilfe der Emotic Map zur Unterstuetzung des Markenbildungsprozesses im Gotthard Perimeter. Bericht Nr. 006912 der ITF Forschungsberichte/ITF Working Papers, Chur. ISSN 2296-0465.
Luthe, T., Stangl, B., Joos, F., Nabitz, S. und P. Boksberger. 2012. Green Tourist. Eine Studie zu Bewusstsein und Verhalten von GŠsten des Schweizerischen Nationalparks bezueglich Nachhaltigkeit im Urlaub und im Alltag. Bericht Nr. 001812 der ITF Forschungsberichte/ITF Working Papers, Chur. ISSN 2296-0465.
Clivaz, C., Doctor, M., Gessner, S., Ketterer, L., Luthe, T. , Schuckert, M., Siegrist, D., Wyss, R. (2012). Adaptionsstrategien des Tourismus an den Klimawandel in den Alpen. Ergebnisse des alpenweiten Projekts ClimAlpTour in der Schweiz. Schriftenreihe des Instituts fŸr Landschaft und Freiraum. HSR Hochschule fŸr Technik Rapperswil, Nr. 8. Rapperswil. ISSN 1662-5684, ISBN 978-3-9523972-2-0.
Abegg, B. und T. Luthe. 2012. Neue Energie fuer den alpinen Tourismus. Schweizer Jahrbuch Tourismus 2012. ST. Galler Schriften fŸr Tourismus und Verkehr. Band 4. Erich Schmidt Verlag. ISBN 9783503144235.
Clivaz C., Doctor M., Gessner S., Ketterer, L., Matasci C., Schuckert M., Siegrist D., Luthe T. and R. Wyss. 2012. Anpassungsstrategien an den Klimawandel im Alpentourismus. Ergebnisse einer alpenweiten Delphi-Analyse und von partizipativen Prozessen in Pilotdestinationen. Schweizer Jahrbuch Tourismus 2012. ST. Galler Schriften fŸr Tourismus und Verkehr. Band 4. Erich Schmidt Verlag. ISBN 9783503144235.
Luthe, T. and F. Schlaepfer. 2011. Effects of third-party information on the demand for more sustainable consumption: a choice experiment on the transition of winter tourism. Environmental Innovation and Social Transitions, Volume 1, Issue 2. DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2011.10.002
Luthe,T. and M. Schuckert. 2011. Socially responsible investing – implications for leveraging sustainable development. In: Conrady, R., and Buck, M. (Hrsg). 2011. Trends and Issues in Global Tourism 2011. Springer. ISSN 1868-0127.
Schuckert, M., Luthe, T., and R. Wyss. 2011. Das Emmental: Relevanz und Implikationen aus Netzwerkstrukturen bei der Entwicklung touristischer Destinationen. In: Boksberger, P. and Schuckert, M. (Hrsg). 2011. Innovationen in Tourismus und Freizeit. Hypes, Trends und Entwicklungen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft e.V., Erich Schmidt Verlag.
ClimAlpTour (Alber K, Allamandola MA, Balbi S, Bausch T, Benati A, Bonzanigo L, Cetara L, Chaix C, Clivaz C, Colson A, Cremer I, Dissegna M, Doctor M, Dutto E, Elmi M, Fosson JP, Frigo B, Furlani R, Gallée H, Garbellini L, Gessner S, Giupponi C, Herntrei M, Kolbeck F, Luthe T, Macchiavelli A, Matasci C, Mignone N, Moretto D, Muti S, Pasquettaz C, Pasutto I, Peters M, Peyrache-Gadeau V, Pipan P, Pozzi A, Rutter S, Scheibel C, Schuckert M, Siegrist D, Strobl A, Urbanc M, Venuta, ML, Wyss R). 2011. ClimAlpTour – Climate Change and its Impact on Tourism in the Alpine Space. Final project report of the Alpine Space Interreg project ClimAlpTour. Published by Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU and ClimAlpTour.
Luthe, T. 2010. Overcoming social barriers in managing vulnerability of alpine tourism to environmental change. Proceedings of the 2010 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin.
Luthe, T. 2009. Vulnerability to global change and sustainable adaptation of ski tourism – SkiSustain. Dissertation at the German Sport University Cologne, Institute for Outdoor Sports and Environmental Science, and the University of Zurich. 350 pages. Volume 25 of ther INOK publication series. ISSN 1612-2437. Order as colour printed book from DSHS Koeln.
Luthe, T., Jacoby, T. and R. Roth. 2008. Natursport Camps als Medium der Bildung fuer eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. Sportpraxis, Volume 2.2008.
Luthe, T. and R. Roth. 2008. Extended vulnerability of ski tourism to global change. Conference proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV4), Tuscany, Italy.
Luthe, T. 2008. Energetische Bilanzierung von Baustoffen für den Holzhausbau. 1. Auflage, 1. Januar 2008. 140 Seiten. Diplomica Verlag. ISBN-13: 978-3836606219. Order online.
Luthe, T. and R. Haeusler. 2007. Der Backcountry Ski. Ganzheitliche Schneesporterlebnisse im Sinne einer Bildung fuer eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. e&l, erleben und lernen. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer handlungsorientiertes Lernen. Volume 6.2007.
Luthe, T., Haeusler, R. and R. Roth. 2007. Die Durchfuehrung alternativer Schneesportausfahrten und deren Nutzung zur Bildung fuer eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. Sportunterricht, Volume 12.2007.
Luthe, T. and R. Roth. 2007. Nachhaltiger Wintertourismus im Naturpark Suedschwarzwald. Integra, Zeitschrift fuer integrativen Tourismus und Entwicklung. Respect, Wien. Volume 2.2007.
Luthe, T. 2007. Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation von Skigebieten: Informationsmoeglichkeiten fuer Schneesportler in Zeiten des Globalen Wandels. FdSnow 31 2.2007. Fachzeitschrift des Skisports. Planegg, Germany. Deutscher Skiverband, Freunde des Skisports, Stiftung Sicherheit im Skisport (HrsG). ISSN 1864-5593.
Luthe, T. 2007. Zur Notwendigkeit und zu Moeglichkeiten der Reaktion von Skigebieten auf Umweltveraenderungen im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. FdSnow 30 1.2007. Fachzeitschrift des Skisports. Planegg, Germany. Deutscher Skiverband, Freunde des Skisports, Stiftung Sicherheit im Skisport (HrsG). ISSN 1864-5593.
Luthe, T. 2007. Sustainability Leadership Training. Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Bildungsprogramms in nachhaltiger Entwicklung. 1. Auflage, 1. Dezember 2007, Diplomica Verlag, 92 Seiten. ISBN-13: 978-3836654647. Order online
Luthe, T. 2007. Schneesport und Bildung fuer eine nachhaltige Entwicklung: Filme, Fachinformationen und Praxistipps zur vernetzenden Kommunikation eines zukunftsfähigen Schneesports in Schule und Verein. Deutscher Skiverband, Planegg. Band 9 der DSV-Umweltreihe. 1. Auflage, 1. April 2007. 144 Seiten, DVD mit 3 Filmen, Bildmaterial und weiteren ca. 100 Seiten digitaler Unterrichtsmaterialien. ISBN-13: 978-3938963098. Order online or download a .pdf version (7mb) with the exercises and materials (2mb).
Luthe, T. 2006. Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation im Skilehrwesen. FdSnow 28 1.2006. Fachzeitschrift des Skisports. Planegg, Germany. Deutscher Skiverband, Freunde des Skisports, Stiftung Sicherheit im Skisport (HrsG). ISSN 1864-5593.
Poster publications
Fitzpatrick, H. and T. Luthe. 2019. Reaching new heights: Systemic innovation and identity for resilient alpine communities. Responsive Cities conference iaac, Barcelona. Download poster as .pdf.
Luthe, T. 2017. The Revival of Resilient Mountain Communities. What constitutes a new model of Alpine Urbanism? The successful transition of Ostana, Piedmont, Italy. International Sustainability Transition Conference IST 2017. Gothenborg, Sweden.
Luthe, T. 2017. Systemic Design for Sustainability. ETH Zürich BSc/MSc Engineering/Architecture elective course. GreenroomVoice booth at OutDoor Show Friedrichshafen Germany.
Luthe, T., Lawrence, R., Kelman, I., Evers, Y., Curran, M. M., Tornblad, S. H., Wyss, R. and E. L. Berlow. 2014. Blueprinting resilience of future Arctic communities? Arctic Frontiers 2014 – Human in the Arctic. Tromso, Norway.
Luthe, T., Voll, F. and S. Nabitz. 2013. An outline of research for systemic governance of protected areas: building partnerships for sustainable management. 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, Mittersill, Austria.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2012. Collaboration in entrepreneurial networks for fostering innovation in the Swiss Gotthard region. Regiosuisse science and regional development day 2012, Bern.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2012. Integrative assessment of sustainability for stakeholder involvement in sustainable development of Chur. Regiosuisse science and regional development day 2012, Bern.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2012. Enabling economic diversification for community resilience: corporate influences on regional development in the Swiss Gotthard region. Leuphana Sustainability Summit, Lüneburg.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2012. Enabling economic diversification for community resilience: corporate influences on regional development in the Swiss Gotthard region. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change program at the 13th Swiss Global Change Day 2012, Swiss Academy of Sciences scnat. ProClim – Forum for Climate and Global Change, Bern.
Luthe, T. and R. Wyss. 2011. Social Network Analysis in the Context of Cross-Border Climate Change Adaptation. The Case of Tourism in the Oberalp Region. RegioSuisse research day 2011, Lausanne.
Luthe, T. 2010. Extending vulnerability of alpine tourism to environmental change: opportunities and factors for a qualitative sustainable growth model. Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change program at the 11th Swiss Global Change Day 2010, Swiss Academy of Sciences scnat. ProClim – Forum for Climate and Global Change, Bern.
Luthe, T. 2008. Biodiversity and Sports. International Congress at the German Sport University Cologne, Institute for Outdoor Sports and Environmental Science. Title of the first poster: SkiSustain – a sustainability management framework for ski destinations. Title of the second poster: Grown Skis – high tech eco freeride skis.