18th SLT University of Freiburg. I am currently teaching again the Sustainability Leadership Training (SLT), for the 18th time in the 17th year together with highly appreciated colleagues and motivated students from all disciplines, at the University of Freiburg’s Center for Key Qualifications (ZfS). The SLT has been my research lab on learning didactics on sustainability skills, i.e. professional, instrumental and mental or social skills.
Sustainability education at its finest:
Outdoor activities such as rock climbing and mountain biking connect people with oneself, each other and with place.
Theory gets narrated in illustrative contexts of reality.
Open discussions backed by student-prepared self-reflections deepen knowledge.
Flow experiences motivate and build self-trust.
Outdoor action and nature stillness foster team spirit and help us reconnect.
Bio-regional exploration connects with following independent multimedia creation around one’s own personal QUEST, one’s question-based learning and self-development journey.
I have been long-term evaluating the learning progress of this SLT course series and I am in the process of publishing the evaluation results of 18 years research on sustainability learning didactics.
18 iterations SLT. I developed these training didactics in my second Master thesis in 2005, and they are fresh and timely as of today. In 2010, SLT was recognized as UN Decade for Education on Sustainability project.
Luthe, T. 2007. Sustainability Leadership Training. Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Bildungsprogramms in nachhaltiger Entwicklung. 1. Auflage, 1. Dezember 2007, Diplomica Verlag, 92 Seiten. ISBN-13: 978-3836654647.
Here is a recent publication on didactic changes throughout the recent pandemics: Luthe T. and von Kutzschenbach M. 2020. Virtualisierung sozialer Outdoor-Erlebnisse: Chancen und Grenzen der Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in Zeiten von Covid-19 (Virtualizing social outdoor experiences: chances and risks in education on sustainability in times of Covid-19). e&l, erleben und lernen. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer handlungsorientiertes Lernen. Volume 3.2020. https://www.e-und-l.de/aktuelle-hefte/index.php