Open Think Tank and Synthesis Workshop “Mountain Resilience Report”

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I am co-organizing and chairing two collaborative research and systemic design formats this September in Innsbruck, entitled “Towards a Mountain Resilience Report: Regenerating Mountain Systems by Systemic Innovation.”

The first one is an Open Think Tank format at the International Mountain Conference 2019 in Innsbruck, Sept 11th, 13.30-15.00h.

Right after IMC 2019, we offer a follow-up Synthesis Workshop on this first Mountain Resilience Report, Sept 13th 2019, 9-14h. It is open to IMC participants, other interested collaborators from academia, practice, the mountain industry (i.e. tourism, agriculture, forestry, transportation…), the creative sector, the public sector, and those who want to engage in a regenerative, resilient future of mountain systems. Through support of the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), there are limited funds for travel support and accommodation available.

The main goal of this synthesis workshop is to recap and build upon the IMC Open Think Tank to form a core group who organizes the development of the first MRR. We will recap on MRR methodology and outline a joint review paper on the state of assessment and implementation of resilience in mountains, and their innovativeness, in line with the IPCC AR6 WGII deadlines for paper submission and paper acceptance. With this paper, we will set the base for writing a joint research funding proposal to fully develop the first Mountain Resilience Report in by 2021/2022.

Update 31.10.2019: Summary outcomes of our two workshops

For more information, send an email to .

resilience mountains systemicdesign IMC innsbruck