Bayern 2 of the Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), Munich, broadcasted a 55min report about the long distance trail GTA to Monte Viso in the Italian Piedmont, and the revival of the Ostana community in the Po river valley – with a special focus on our work in systemic innovation at the MonViso Institute real-world laboratory. In this report I am telling about some of the goals and learnings of our work and the contribution to local people action in the heads of global sustainability.
As one example, the report summarizes the MonViso Insitute’s work from the Serre Lamboi campus across the Ostana community and beyond the region as “Zukunftswerkstatt (future lab) for New Highlanders” (people moving to the mountains seeking for and creating new work-life styles between the alpine and the urban).
By Georg Bayerle and team of “Fernweh”.
Listen to the report here: